Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What to say.

1. I didn't really figure out about any specific artists, but I did really enjoy the use of Corel Painter 12 by Android Jones.
2. I learned that Corel is a butt to use because of the constant crashing, but it is also mesmerizing when using the kaleidoscope tool.
3. I liked that all the projects weren't so uptight and that we made them the way we wanted rather than what the criteria was. I learned that even though I can't be great at the topics of awareness like the anti-bullying poster, I am still able to create well drawn art in other areas. I flippin' love the kaleidoscope tool.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Random Picture

I made this picture out of class for Kaylah's birthday... Just a miscellaneous picture. Reminded me of last year and the portraits from Digital Arts 1.


For this vector I used Adobe Illustrator. I think this picture looks cool because it only uses 4 colors to create a very detailed picture. Even though I didn't use Adobe Illustrator for in high detail, it was still a very confusing program to use.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


For my portrait I learned how to build up layers to create a great drawing. I used the kaleidoscope effect alot to create the background and also the logo at the bottom right. The worst thing about Corel Painter 12 is that it constantly crashes. I have never made a picture that doesn't get a random crash during it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Anti-Bullying Poster

For this project I used photoshop and IMO I think the type face was the worst part. It takes so much time just to get the picture right and it was mostly dependent on the type.